Ideas for Student Observation & Assessment

It's Time for Student Observations and Assessment!

Digital Exit Tickets for the Virtual Classroom

Checking for student understanding after a lesson is complete is what reflective teachers do. Today, with remote learning, it’s more important than ever. In the virtual classroom, paper exit tickets are no longer an option, so as we adapt to this new form of learning, the digital exit ticket is a new teaching strategy for formative assessment.

- Janelle Cox -

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20 Ideas for Exit Tickets in the Classroom

Class is done. We’ve learned a lot. We’ve tried some new things. We’ve had some great discussions.

So … now what?

How can we make the most of the end of class? How can we tie a bow on a day of class to wrap everything up?

An exit ticket gives us that opportunity!

- Ditch That Textbook by Matt Miller -

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18 of the Best Formative Assessment Tools for Digital Exit Tickets

In the age of digital learning, exit tickets are no longer confined to small slips of paper collected by educators as students leave their classrooms (although this method is still fine). There are numerous digital tools at the disposal of educators to collect this valuable performance data from their students.

Here are 18 of the best formative assessment tools for teachers–to glean data, take snapshots of understanding, create digital exit slips, and more.

- Ryan Schaaf -

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Using Rubrics for Instruction and Assessment in the Elementary Classroom

Rubrics are often a great assessment tool to use with students. However, rubrics can work double duty by not only providing an overall view of how students are performing, but they can also be an effective instructional tool for TEACHERS as well.

- The Classroom Nook -

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11 Fantastic Writing Rubrics for Kindergarten

Teach writing in kindergarten with the help of a kindergarten-friendly rubric. Here are some developmental writing rubrics and standards or expectations based rubrics for kindergarten teachers.


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Rubric Template Samples for Teachers

Learn the features of a basic rubric and use the following samples for a great grading instrument in no time.

- Janelle Cox -

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7 Ways to Do Formative Assessments in Your Virtual Classroom

Pen-and-paper pop quizzes are no more: thumbs-up/thumbs-down, hand signals, online polls, discussion boards, and chat boxes have become the new mainstays of formative assessments in virtual classrooms.

Finding out what your students are really learning remains indispensable to teaching. Here’s what teachers are doing to check for understanding online.

- Nora Fleming -

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Create a Quiz or Receive Feedback From Students Using Polls in Zoom

Using polls is a great way of facilitating interaction with and among the students. You can for instance ask course related questions to get an indication of students’ knowledge on a topic. It can also be used as an evaluation tool to collect feedback from students. There are many possibilities.

- NMBU -

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How to Conduct a Formative Assessment With Mentimeter

With Mentimeter, you can create whichever type of formative assessment you like! We have created 5 Mentimeter formative assessment example templates to get you started!

- Emma Cullen -

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Formative Assessment Slide Templates in Pear Deck

The Formative Assessment Slide Templates were created by our team of educators. You can add these templates to any Pear Deck lesson to help your students warm up for the day, think more deeply about any subject, reflect on the lesson, and more!

- Pear Deck -

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5 Best Online Assessment Tools for Teachers

Online assessment tools for teachers are a necessary part of nowadays teaching. From one day to the next you need to know what your students understand. If you have a handle on their learning gaps then you can adjust your lessons to target them. Grades matter, but so does understanding and being able to build on lessons to-date.

See the top five list of assessment tools in education below for tracking student progress, with tips for how to use them.

- Tom Gerencer -

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How to Create a Quiz for Your Online Classes Using Google Slides

Quizzes are particularly useful when teaching children, as their attention gets diverted quite easily. This way, they will learn in an interactive and entertaining way.

- slidesgo -

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How to Create Online Tests or Exam for Students in Google Classroom

Google classroom gives a solution to create online tests/ exams/ quizzes for students through Google forms. Watch this video to understand how teachers or other educationists create a test or exam or question paper for students that can be automatically graded by the system.

- Yearn 2 Learn -

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How Do I Use Seesaw for Assessment?

Using Seesaw, your students can capture what they know independently, saving you time. Check out one of the recorded webinars below for more time-saving assessment tips and ideas!

- Seesaw Learning, Inc. -

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The 4 Most Popular Assessment Tools Used in Modern Classrooms

Good digital assessment tools help us to truly understand our students. These four are probably the most popular assessment tools among teachers. You'll find them in use everywhere and at the top of lists all over the Web.

- Wabisabi Learning -

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Common Formative Assessments Examples from Preschool to Secondary School

Teachers often use formative assessments without even realizing it, as checking student progress is an essential part of any well-planned lesson. Click on this website to see some common formative assessments examples.

- Your Dictionary -

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22 Simple Assessment Strategies You Can Use Every Day

Check out the 22 simple assessment strategies and tips in this article to help you become more frequent in your teaching, planning, and curriculum design.

- Saga Briggs @ Teach Thought -

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10 Innovative Formative Assessment Examples for Teachers to Know

Formative assessment is assessment for learning and as learning. This continual cycle of feedback and improvement makes learning useful and effective. What follows are 10 innovative formative assessment strategies for teachers to try out.

- Wabisabi Learning -

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Make Your Student Observations Comprehensive!

Let's discover comprehensive student observations with a former school psychologist!

- Confident Counselors -

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20 Ways to Provide Effective Feedback for Learning

While assessment gets all the press, it is feedback for learning that can transform a student’s learning.

-TeachThought -

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Tips for Student Observations and Feedback

Finding time to observe a student may seem difficult, but just two minutes of observation can yield sufficient information to provide valuable, constructive feedback.

- Emory University -

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3 Strategies for Teaching Students to Self-Assess

Guiding students to be independent in assessing themselves is an important strategy in helping them to become independent learners. Here are 3 effective strategies we can use in our class!

- Education with DocRunning -

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8 Ways to Efficient Grading Success

As teachers we can become consumed by the amount of marking/grading we take home each night. Here are 8 tips that will give some excellent ideas to help middle and high school teachers to regain our evenings.

- 2 Peas and a Dog -

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3 Formative Assessment Tools for Teachers

Here are 3 fun and engaging ways to formatively assess students. Teachers absolutely love to use these when checking for understanding, and students, especially 2nd graders, will enjoy them as well!

- Saddle up for 2nd grade -

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Simple Assessment With Plickers and Magnets

Here is a quick snapshot into two of the tools Joey used for assessment in physical education: Plickers and Assessment Magnets. He added some additional examples and information in the video at the top of this post, so be sure to watch it through the end.

You could apply the concept of these tools in other subjects too!

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10 Ways Teachers Can Communicate Expectations to Students

One key to success in getting students to succeed is being completely transparent with them about your expectations. Following are ten ways that you can not only communicate but also reinforce your expectations to students each and every day.

- ThoughtCo. -

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Education Templates for Mentimeter

Mentimeter provides formative assessment/quiz/survey templates for the classroom, as well as for other educational events.

- Mentimeter -

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ZipGrade turns your phone or tablet into an optical grading machine similar to a Scantron. It reads free-to-download answer sheets in multiple sizes. Provide instant feedback to students by grading exit tickets, quizzes, and formative assessments as soon as they finish.

- ZipGrade -

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Turnitin provides holistic solutions for authentic learning. It provides services that can prevent plagiarism, protects authorship, provides feedback, and enhance academic. Turnitin also partners with global educators to share smart, creative instructional practices skills.

- Turnitin -

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