Ideas for Managing Student Discipline & Behaviour

Discipline Can Be Positive Too!

Online Classroom Management: Five Tips for Making the Shift

Do your students follow directions flawlessly? Are they highly motivated, effective collaborators? If so, you don’t need to worry about the challenges of online classroom management.

For the rest of us, student behavior can be a significant concern. It may even be even our number one concern. It’s hard enough to manage disruptions when our students are in the same room. How can we maintain order and create a supportive learning environment when we can’t even see them?

- Jeff Lisciandrello -

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10 Virtual Classroom Management Strategies

Classroom management can be one of the hardest parts of teaching. It is one of teachers’ top professional development needs, as all the education classes in the world don’t prepare you to wrangle dozens of kiddos who all have their own ideas of what it means to be quiet. It’s tough enough getting a whole class to cooperate in person. How are you supposed to do it online?

Whether it’s your first or thirtieth year teaching, here are some ideas to manage your virtual classroom.

- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt -

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How to Improve Classroom Management Using Hand Signals

Using a hand signal system in your classroom will quickly and dramatically improve student behavior and eliminate many of the disruptions that happen throughout a typical school day.

- Jodi Durgin -

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Parking Lot: Useful in Solving Student Queries in a Virtual Learning Environment

While juggling with the technological glitches and the fact that the online classes are scheduled for a fixed time, many of us teachers feel pressurised if the daily lesson plan doesn’t go according to our plan.

So, how do we ensure that we are able to solve all the queries that learners put up without compromising on our online class time?


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Classroom Management Apps and Websites

These great classroom management tools can be your time-saving and energy-freeing sidekicks, helping you instantly deliver and assess learning, create seating charts, improve students' behavior, and set timed tasks to make your classroom run like a well-oiled machine.

- Common Sense Education -

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Fun Ways to Reinforce Classroom Rules and Procedures

Even if you’ve already started your school year, it’s so important to revisit classroom expectations often to make sure your students are on the right track and ready to meet both academic and behavior goals. This doesn’t mean just standing at the front of the room and spouting off rules.

In fact, there are so many fun ways to reinforce classroom rules and procedures, especially for primary grades!

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Learning the Rules: “Act It Out” Game

This is a great active game to use if you have a list of classroom rules to learn, or if you are introducing or reviewing theatrical guidelines.

- Kerry Hishon @ theartefolk -

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20 Fun Ways to Teach Classroom Procedures

Learning classroom procedures can actually be fun! With a little bit of creativity, teachers easily can make this a more exciting and interactive process for students.

- Casey Brown @ Classcraft -

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10 Creative and Fun Ways to Teach Classroom Procedures

This post lists 10 fun ways to teach classroom procedures that are easy to implement and effective!

- Tanya Marshall @ The Butterfly Teacher -

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👩🏽‍🏫Classroom Management | My Top 5 for Kinders | MOST EFFECTIVE!

Here are Morgan's TOP 5 Classroom Management Strategies she uses in her classroom!

1. Behavior Clip System

2. Behavior Homework Folders

3. Classdojo

4. Popsicle Sticks

5. Line-Up Line

Bonus: Name Tags

- Morgan Taylor -

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7 Classroom Management Tips FOR PRIMARY TEACHERS (Improve Student Focus!)

Katie shares 7 effective classroom management tips to help improve student focus for Primary School Teachers. She talked through each strategy and offer extra tips to help you to take control of your own classroom management, indirectly helping your students to engage and participate. She also mentioned behaviour management strategies for new teachers to try.

- Katie @ For Teachers -

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My Daily Classroom Management Strategies | High School Teacher Vlog

Here are some of Reynolds' daily practices to make sure your classroom runs smoothly. He also threw in a few weird ones just to get your creativity going.

- Real Rap With Reynolds -

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Corporal Punishment Kills, Positive Discipline Teaches

An article talking about the use of corporal punishment in Malaysian schools and its consequences, backed up by scientific proof. It also talks about what positive discipline is.

- Malay Mail Online -

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10 Approaches to Better Discipline

All discipline problems are not alike. Effective teachers match different approaches to different problems. Here are some approaches from Inspiring Discipline by Merrill Harmin (NEA Professional Library 1995) that may prove useful to you.

- National Education Association -

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7 Tips on How to Implement A Discipline Program In The Classroom

Implementing an effective discipline program in your class will eliminate interruptions and place the focus back on student learning. Here are some steps to follow to implement an effective discipline program in your classroom.

- Ministry of Education, Guyana -

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The 5 Second Solution for a Talkative Class

The 5 second trick for teachers when dealing with a talkative class.

- Cult of Pedagogy -

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25 Sure-Fire Strategies for Handling Difficult Students

You can breathe a sigh of relief now! Here's expert advice on what to do when students act up and personalities clash.

- Ministry of Education, Guyana -

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Utilizing Proximity to Manage Classroom Discipline and Behavior

Demonstration teacher Sarah Gapp shows how she uses proximity to manage student behavior, assess student progress, and build rapport with her middle school students.

- SanBdoCitySchools -

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Good Suggestions for Improving Discipline

This article is multiple suggestions on ways to improve discipline of children in classes.

- United Education Association -

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6Rs to Prevent Bullying

Michele Borba, Ed.D., an internationally renowned educator, award-winning author, and parenting, child and bullying expert, presents on the 6Rs to prevent bullying.

- APB Speakers -

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7 Ways to Take Control of Your Classroom to Reduce Student Misbehavior

To achieve good classroom management, educators must understand how social and emotional learning (SEL) influences the quality of teacher-student relationships and how that relationship influences classroom management design.

- ThoughtCo. -

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Tips for Achieving and Maintaining Discipline

This article will help you establish and maintain the classroom discipline atmosphere you want.

- Teacher Vision -

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