Ideas for iPad Integration

The Power of Student Check-Ins During Distant Learning and Hybrid Courses

These check-ins might focus on social-emotional elements, such as wellness, emotional status, and social connected-ness.

Other times, the check-in might have a more academic focus. You might ask students questions about their hybrid learning experiences, including how they are navigating their courses, how they are managing their time, and how they are handling the workload.

- John Spencer-

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How Are Your Students Really Doing? Learn How Kahoot! Can Help With Pulse-Checks

Learn how Kahoot! can help you assess how the class feels about a topic and find out how students are really doing, which is absolutely essential when you can’t meet in person.

- Daria Golubeva -

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Technology can support social-emotional learning

This website provides suggestions of stories to use with various grade levels in support of developing social-emotional competencies. Older students could even create stories that younger students could view. There is a list of digital discussion tools for students to use during the activities.

- Discovery Education Inc. -

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Use Technology to Create a Positive Classroom Culture

April Wurtsmith, a fifth grade teacher, created a project to help her students get to know each other well, set a positive, inviting classroom tone, and introduce her students to technology skills they will use throughout the year -- researching, following technology procedures, and using tools like WeVideo, Schoology, and Google Apps for Education.

- Common Sense Media -

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Tips to Study With iPad

Check out some tips on using iPad to study and make notes from this video!

- Samuel Suresh -

If you are wondering how to have grid paper in Notes app, check out this link:

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