Ideas for Increasing Interest & Engagement

Useful Tips for Teaching Survival Skills

Ideas for Teaching Life Skills In and Out of the Classroom

This article is intended to provide teachers with great programming ideas to support responsibility and life skills training for all students.

- Sue Watson @ ThoughtCo -

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Teaching Kids Life Skills: 7 Essential Life Skills to Help Your Child Succeed

Life skills go hand in hand with development, and can help your child succeed later in life. Discover the most important life skills your child should know and ways to incorporate them into your daily routine.

- Bright Horizons Family Solutions -

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Fun Games That Teach Life Skills

Check out the games that are designed for certain age groups, from aged 8 - 18, which can aid children’s learning by introducing them to a world of fun, educational games that teach them how to better get along with others, respect other people’s differences, and understand the importance of teamwork.

- Sarah Knowles BA, MA -

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9 Awesome Classroom Activities That Teach Job Readiness Skills

When it’s time to go to college or take a job, in addition to academic knowledge and vocational skills, students also need those “soft skills,” otherwise known as job readiness skills. We’ve found nine engaging lessons that are not only just right for teaching the job readiness skills student need but also a lot of fun!

- Elizabeth Mulvahill @ We are teachers -

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5 Fun “Let’s Pretend” Games

This blog post talks about 5 Games that teach kids survival skills.

- The Todd and Erin Daily Stream -

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How to Prepare Students for 21st Centruy Survival?

Tony Wagner of Harvard University shares the 7 survival skills students will always need for the 21st century.

- The Todd and Erin Daily Stream -

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4 Essential Outdoor Survival Skills for Kids & How to Teach Them

Here are four preparedness skills to teach your children to help them develop an appreciation of nature and the environment.

- The Prepping Guide -

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How To Teach Kids Grade School Self-Defense?

Many dads want to teach kids to defend themselves by decking a bully in the face, but sometimes well-crafted trash talk works better.

- Fatherly -

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32 Survival Skills Your Child Should Know and be Able to Do ASAP

It’s not just physical survival we need to teach our kids but mental, emotional, and spiritual survival as well.

- For Every Mom -

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Essential First Aid Skills for Your Primary School Child

Sprains and strains, cuts and bruises, broken bones and asthma attacks… It sometimes seems that there’s no end of scrapes that children can get into. But would your child know what to do if one of their friends had an accident or emergency?

- TheSchoolRun -

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7 Life Skills All Primary-School Children Need

From typing and DIY skills to cooking and lifesaving, here are seven vital skills that will stand them in good stead in the primary-school years and beyond.

- TheSchoolRun -

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